Central Coast Transgender Needs Assessment

A First-of-its-kind Report on Transgender People
in Rural California

Transgender and gender nonconforming people living in Monterey, Santa Cruz, and San Benito counties struggle with poverty and lack of access to education, healthcare, public safety, and other basic resources.

Learn more about their experiences — and changes that could make the biggest impact — in this community-driven report.

Why Is This Report Important?

Transgender people in rural California are some of the most vulnerable in the state and nation, and this report shows just how true that is.

In 2018, Conexiones, an advocacy group made up of mostly transgender Mexican women, determined that a needs assessment and report focused on transgender people in the Central Coast area could promote broader understanding of their experiences.

Conexiones has been based out of CRLA since 2009. Our LGBTQ+ Program staff supported Conexiones leaders to produce this report, with funding from the Community Foundation for Monterey County.

About the LGBTQ+ Program at CRLA

CRLA's LGBTQ+ program advocates on behalf of low-income lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals and their families to improve access to justice in rural California.


Train with Our Team

If your organization would benefit from training to improve your outreach or services for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender constituents, our LGBTQ+ Program team can help. Contact us for more information about what we offer.

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