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Rural Justice Fellowship

CRLA’s Rural Justice Fellowships offer a way for recent law graduates to join our team of dedicated, cause-oriented attorneys, community workers, and support staff.

Strong candidates for CRLA Rural Justice Fellowships are:

  1. Committed to using legal training and experiences to create more justice for low-income immigrants, farmworkers, individuals with disabilities, LGBTQ+ communities, and children and families in rural areas.
  2. Willing to experience the joys and challenges of living in a rural community served by a CRLA office.

To apply for a Rural Justice Fellowship, please submit a cover letter and resume by email with “CRLA Rural Justice Fellowship” in the subject line to Jose Alvarez Torres at by February 26, 2024.

In your cover letter:

  • Explain why you are interested in working with CRLA.
  • Highlight the skills and experiences that you will bring to CRLA.
  • Describe what motivates you to work in public interest law.
  • Explain your motivation to work in a rural community.
  • Describe any experiences you may have working or living in a rural community.
  • Identify any challenges you anticipate as part of working or living in rural California.

The term of the CRLA Rural Justice Fellowship will be sixteen (16) months, from September 1, 2024 – December 31, 2025.

Salary will be paid pursuant to the CRLA Attorney salary scale set forth in the Collective Bargaining Agreement covering this position.

Fellowship placement will be in one of 16 field offices throughout rural California, to be determined by CRLA with consideration given to preferences of the candidate.

Rural Justice Fellows who successfully complete their fellowship program will be strongly considered for longer term employment with CRLA.

It is the policy of this organization to provide equal opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual preference, age, or disability.

Learn more about law fellowships at CRLA.


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