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Thank you for your interest in volunteering with California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc. (CRLA)!

Are you an attorney interested in doing Pro Bono work?

CRLA offers private sector attorneys a variety of options to engage in pro bono activities in one of our six general practice areas.

If you are interested in any aspect of the Pro Bono Program, please fill out our application and submit it along with your resume and a brief cover letter detailing your interest. We will review your application and contact you if there are current opportunities that fit your pro bono goals.

Not an attorney but still interested in volunteering?

CRLA offers a variety of volunteer opportunities and welcomes participants who are interested in contributing to the community and learning more about rural legal services. Please complete our volunteer application so we can get started matching you with an office or program.

Two people shaking hands at a conference


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© 2011 - CRLA
Web design: Agaric Tech Cooperative.
Photos by Creative Commons & CRLA archives