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Systemic Advocacy Update Spring 2024

Abril 24, 2024

Systemic advocacy is CRLA’s hallmark and the key to lasting change for the communities we serve.  All staff play a role in fulfilling our organizational commitment to creating systemic impact alongside our clients.  Check out the PDF below to explore the wide variety of systemic advocacy CRLA advocates have engaged in over the past few months, including:

  • Upholding the civil rights and dignity of people experiencing homelessness
  • Monitoring school districts to support LGBTQ+ students
  • Contesting Source of Income Discrimination
  • Participating in appellate court amicus activity to impact the law
  • Reducing the Unlawful Detainer Default Rate in San Joaquin County
  • Litigating to change unlawful employment practices in the agricultural industry
  • Challenging racially discriminatory access to safe drinking water

Read the full Systemic Advocacy Digest (PDF)


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