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Meet CRLA’s 2024 Undergraduate Summer Intern Cohort

Two interns smiling
Agosto 14, 2024

These bright and passionate undergraduate students spent their summer with us thanks in part to the Jose Padilla Fellowship Fund. Learn about how their time with our community has shaped their professional and individual growth and furthered our collective impact. 

Q: What were the highlights of your internship experience?

Adriana: "I work hybrid, so working in the office has been a great experience. So far, the entire Indigenous Program team has been very welcoming, and I hope to continue learning from them. The intentionality and effort community workers bring to their work is truly inspiring."

Kate: "Getting to learn more about asylum cases through hands-on experiences, and learning more about various aspects of the law due to the diversity of cases taken on by CRLA."

Q: Why would you recommend this internship to other law students?

Adriana: "I was an undergraduate intern, and I encouraged other undergrad students to contact CRLA to learn more about potential internship opportunities. There is always something to be learned, and as I learned in the Impact Litigation & Systemic Advocacy intern summer training, community-oriented advocacy includes different forms of service and action to work toward social change."

Kate: "I'm not a law student, but CRLA offers internships that involve direct exposure to legal cases that allow students to adopt hard skills related to the law. I can see this being super helpful down the line!"

Q: How did the internship influence your career aspirations?

Adriana: "It reaffirmed my interest in attending law school and becoming a community-oriented lawyer, advocating for agricultural workers' health and safety and working towards systemic change.  Furthermore, it equipped me to be more intentional about learning about the community-oriented advocacy models legal organizations hold themselves accountable. Learning about the comités and CW’s collaboration with attorneys was a welcoming surprise."

Kate: "My internship solidified my interest in immigration and the legal field."

Donate today to support more interns and fellows launching careers in social justice law in rural California. 


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