El Centro Resident Objects to Surprise Medical Costs

Navigating the healthcare system can be a complex and overwhelming experience, especially for individuals facing serious medical conditions. From understanding insurance coverage to managing high healthcare costs, the process can quickly develop into financial stress.
After his cancer diagnosis, Ernesto was denied essential services due to his inability to pay more than one thousand dollars every month for his healthcare.
A Difficult Diagnosis and a New Path
Ernesto worked and lived in Sacramento for twenty years. When he was diagnosed with cancer, his doctor recommended him to return to SoCal to spend his remaining time with family.
His healthcare services were transferred as he moved back south, and his matters seemed to be going well until he received news that he was required to pay more than one thousand dollars a month for an indefinite period to continue receiving his healthcare services. Ernesto and his wife Maria could not afford such an expense, as he was disabled, and his wife was retired. In his words, paying an amount like that would make them “homeless.”
Ernesto’s healthcare services were then stripped because he could not afford the ordered monthly payments.
CRLA Restores Healthcare Services
Through their search for relief, Ernesto’s wife Maria ended up meeting Carla, Community Worker with CRLA, who explained how the CRLA El Centro office can help and gave the couple hope that their situation would improve. Carla took care of the legal actions so that Ernesto’s share of cost was dismissed, and the money Maria was ordered to pay was also returned.
In a significant victory, CRLA managed to restore Ernesto’s healthcare services that had been taken away due to their inability to pay.
A New Beginning
With their financial situation back on track, Ernesto and Maria could finally breathe again. Their lives changed, no longer weighed down by debt and the inability to access the healthcare Ernesto needed. Now, with a renewed sense of stability and peace, they can refocus on spending time with loved ones.
“Entramos llorando y salimos riéndonos porque esta compañía y Carla nos dio una gran esperanza y nos dio fuerzas para seguir adelante con esta situación tan difícil. “ – Ernesto
Are you facing financial healthcare hardships in rural California but unable to afford a private attorney? Contact us!