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Know Your Rights: School Discipline

Learn more about the rights of students and families with regard to school discipline.
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Know Your Rights: Language Equity

Learn more about the education rights of English Learner (EL) students in this article.
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Know Your Rights: School Funding Equity

Your voice matters in school funding decisions. Learn more here.
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Know Your Rights: Bullying and Discrimination

Your child has a right to be safe at school. Learn more in this article.
July 15, 2021

CRLA's Education Manual: A Basic Guide to Students' Rights for Parents and Advocates

Learn more about the rights of students in California public schools:

  • Bullying and discrimination
  • Language equity
  • School discipline
  • School funding equity
  • Special education
  • What to do when a school doesn't follow the law
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Know Your Rights: Special Education

Learn more about the rights of students with disabilities in California.
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AB 832: Extended Tenant Protections and Better Financial Assistance Programs

Know your rights as a tenant and how to protect yourself from eviction if you can't pay rent due to a COVID-19 related reason.
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SB 91: Extended Protections and New Financial Assistance for California Renters

Note: This article is out of date. Get current information in the article about AB 832 above.
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California workers impacted by COVID-19 have new rights to paid sick leave in 2021

You may be eligible for up to 80 hours of supplemental paid sick leave (SPSL) for COVID-19 related absences in 2021.

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A List of Relief Funds for Undocumented Workers in California

List from Legal Aid at Work with information about the California state government program (Golden State Stimulus) and various private funds.


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